All of the content displayed on this web site is copyrighted by Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte.
No part of it (images, and/or text), may be copied, distributed, published (on the web or paper), modified, etc. without explicit written permission by Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte. All of the images contain a proprietary (invisible) watermark that allows their identification in electronic or printed form. In other words, if you use one of the images on this website in electronic or printed form, we will be able to prove that they were illegaly taken from this web site- without authorization. An invisible watermark like the one used here survives printing, scanning, and manipulations (cropping, filters, etc.). Therefore, you are advised to obtain permission before using any of this content.
PLEASE NOTE. PERMISSION FOR *PERSONAL* USE IS GRANTED. You must not, however, remove the copyright notice from any of the images. Permission to use the images in non-commercial websites (e.g., your personal web page) may be granted (in writing only), but you MUST obtain permission from Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte and have a link to this page. Please do not hesitate to ask! Specially if you are not sure about what constitutes personal use.
Please write to if you have any questions. Thank you for respecting this copyright.